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    Connect your company to the brightest diverse early talent
Connect your company to the brightest diverse early talent
Professional Opportunity

Welcome to Generation Success, where our Mentoring Programme offers a unique opportunity for organizations like yours to make a meaningful impact on the lives of young individuals. By partnering with us, you can play a vital role in nurturing and empowering the next generation of diverse leaders in the UK.

Mentoring Programme

Why Should Your Organisation Get Involved in the Mentoring Programme?

Connect your company to the brightest diverse early talent

Foster Positive Social Impact and Build a Legacy:

Participating in our Mentoring Programme, your organization has the chance to contribute to society in a profound and lasting way. By mentoring young individuals, you will help shape their personal and professional development, empowering them to reach their full potential. Your organization will leave a positive social imprint and build a legacy of supporting the next generation.                                                                                
Connect your company to the brightest diverse early talent

Cultivate a Pipeline of Exceptional Talent:

Through mentoring, your organization gains access to a pool of ambitious and diverse young talent. By investing your time and expertise in these individuals, you not only contribute to their growth but also nurture a pipeline of skilled professionals who can contribute to your organization's success in the long run. Mentoring allows you to identify and develop promising individuals who align with your company's values and goals.
Connect your company to the brightest diverse early talent

Develop Leadership and Communication Skills within Your Organization:

As mentors, your employees will have the opportunity to refine their leadership and communication skills. Guiding and supporting young mentees will enhance their ability to inspire, motivate, and effectively communicate with others. These invaluable skills will positively impact your organization's internal dynamics, fostering a culture of mentorship,  collaboration, and continuous growth.
Connect your company to the brightest diverse early talent

Contribute to a Diverse and Inclusive Future:

By mentoring young talent from diverse backgrounds, you actively contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable society. Your organization can play a pivotal role in fostering diversity, breaking down barriers, and promoting equal opportunities. Through mentoring, you demonstrate your commitment to creating a future where everyone has the chance to succeed, regardless of their background.
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Trusted by Leading Brands Across Multiple Industries:
Connect your company to the brightest diverse early talent
Transformative experience

Mentoring at Generation Success: Unleash the Potential of Young Leaders

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, young leaders require guidance and role models to navigate their professional journeys successfully. At Generation Success, we believe that mentoring is a transformative experience for both mentors and mentees. By becoming a mentor, you not only empower the next generation but also unlock your own potential in the process.
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Generation Success celebrates matching over 250+ young people in the last year. Some of the partners who have played a huge part in this milestone include Paul Hastings, who we teamed up with to launch a mentoring program matching 35 law and legal professionals to our Success Seekers. Additionally, 120 industry professionals from PA Consulting have been matched to our Success Seekers in the last year, with another 120 already matched in 2023
60% of mentees have had new work experience/placement opportunities since joining the mentorship programme, 50% of mentees have obtained a new skill qualification since joining the programme and 100% of mentees have stated that they are now better equipped to apply for work/further training. Swan Partners have also increased their mentoring allocation with GS.  
In the UK workplace, progress has been made in increasing women's representation in leadership positions, with nearly half of FTSE 100 companies having 40% or more women on their boards; however, ethnic minority representation still lags behind, with only 10.3% of directors being from ethnic minority backgrounds in those companies. While strides have been made in promoting gender diversity in leadership positions, more work is needed to improve representation and inclusivity for ethnic minorities in the UK workplace. 
Shape the future of society

The Mission of Our Mentoring Programme

The Generation Success Mentoring Programme is driven by a mission to harness the skills and experiences of organizations like yours to educate, empower, and uplift young individuals. We strive to create a supportive ecosystem where mentors and mentees collaborate, learn, and grow together. By joining our mentorship programme, you can be part of a transformative journey that shapes the leaders of tomorrow.

Seize this extraordinary opportunity to make a lasting impact and invest in the future. Join our Mentoring Programme at Generation Success and be a catalyst for positive change. Together, we can empower a generation of diverse leaders who will shape the future of our society.
Our Story

Who is ​Generation Success?

Generation Success is an award-winning social enterprise focused on empowering young people from all backgrounds to reach their career aspirations. We work with some of the largest corporations in the world to create opportunities for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

At Generation Success, we work to ensure that no one’s career is determined by their birth. We continue to grow our Dream Hunter network of 10,000 beneficiaries, providing them with unique training and mentorship and partnering them with businesses who can support their personal and professional development. 

Our aim to help young people develop and evolve their careers.  Over 150 young people were placed into full-time roles last year, a testament to our commitment and the effectiveness of our programmes.  Over 150 events were organized across networking and career development.   3500+young people registered for our events last year. 

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