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    Upskill Your Team By Building The Future. 

    Our volunteering initiatives are carefully crafted to help your team enhance their professional growth through edutainment-focused, skills-based volunteering. It’s where your team’s expertise meets our mission to empower the next generation, all while sharpening their own skills. The following are designed for employer day's of service or short skills development training with a social impact. If you would like us talk to us about longer programmes or setting up a mentoring scheme, get in touch with us.


Pick And Go

40+ ready-made sessions from quick 60-minute challenges to deep- dive full-day workshops. Topics? Everything from Diversity & Inclusion to Leadership, Communication and beyond.

Learn By Doing

Your team gives back, gains insight, and grows. It’s all about mutual  benefit - enhancing leadership, communication, and teamwork in real-world scenarios. 

Fit For You

Online or in-person, our sessions slide right into your busy schedules, making meaningful engagement easy and effective.




Mentoring Relationships


Corporate Partners


● Plug & Play Volunteering: No prep needed. Just choose, participate, and see the difference.

● Flexible Formats: Day of service or a long-term commitment? We adapt to your needs.

● Trust and Impact: We’re the go-to for professionals keen on making a difference while  enhancing their skills.

Connect ♦ Inspire ♦ Empower


It’s time to give back, grow, and lead by example. Dive into our volunteering opportunities below and  let’s make a lasting impact together. 

Diversity & Inclusion Workshop

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
This workshop is designed to address industry inequalities and champion diversity and inclusion. It encourages active participation and aims to support individuals who are committed to advancing the conversation around these topics. This programme is suitable for all levels of your workforce, including entry-level employees and upper-level executives. It provides valuable insights into the importance of equality in daily life and equips participants with practical steps to foster a more equitable culture within your organization and beyond.

60-120 mins

Leaning objectives

This workshop is designed to tackle industry inequalities and promote diversity and inclusion. It encourages active participation and aims to support individuals who are committed to advancing the conversation around these topics. This programme is suitable for all levels of your workforce, including entry-level employees and upper-level executives. It provides valuable insights into the importance of equality in daily life and equips participants with practical steps to 

foster a more equitable culture within your organization and beyond.

60-120 mins

Social Mobility Workshop

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Do you aspire to make your organisation the prime destination for diverse talent? Do you want to motivate your employees and provide them with the skills and information they need to accomplish this goal? Then this workshop is for you! This interactive and engaging workshop addresses inequalities in industry and supports those that seek to advance the progress of the conversation around diversity & inclusion.

60-120 mins

Learning Objectives
Every member of your staff, from new hires to C-suite executives, can learn something from this programme about equality, its importance, and the actions they can take to create a more equitable culture inside your organisation and the society at large. Companies that are proactive in promoting equal opportunity are perceived as progressive, inclusive, and positive by their employees. To foster such a culture, it is essential to create an environment where individuals feel at ease discussing issues related to diversity and inclusion. This involves providing a safe space where employees can openly share their challenges and receive guidance on how to address them. 

60-120 mins


Mock Interview

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
An hour of your time could significantly influence a career's success or failure. Our mock interview sessions pair our success seekers with professionals in their fields. Interviewers will utilise a strength-based interview format to interview our young people and then provide feedback as to how they can improve. It’s a mutually beneficial exercise to practice giving feedback and active listening. 

60-120 mins

Leaning objectives
Practise interviews offer our young people a splendid opportunity to experience what a real interview would be like, in terms of format and questions, and provide them with an opportunity to practice their answers. A mock interview helps our young people to learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve their communication skills and reduce stress before an actual job interview. 

60-120 mins

Speed Mentoring

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
In order to achieve success in any area, aspiring leaders need guidance and role models, particularly in today's business environment. Mentoring has become increasingly important and provides more benefits than one might expect. If you want to improve yourself and help others do the same, expand your career opportunities, and make a positive impact on someone's life, being mentored is the way to go. Speed mentoring is an exciting way to do all of these things and improve the career prospects of our young people right away. 

90 mins

Learning Objectives
Participating in our event can give you a chance to acquire essential management skills, including providing feedback, establishing expectations, and nurturing your team through mentoring and coaching. In our country, many young individuals lack the necessary professional connections and support to achieve their career goals. Sometimes, a simple question or recommendation can make a significant difference. 

90 mins


Customer Service Training

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Join our interactive business challenge to help young people develop evaluation, decision-making, and customer service skills. This fun and engaging event provides practical experience in problem-solving and decision-making. Participants will tackle real-life business scenarios, work in teams and gain valuable skills.  

90 mins

Leaning objectives

Participants in this event will gain insights and skills in decision-making and ethical considerations in business. They will learn to value individual contributions, evaluate options carefully, and understand the ethical dilemma of balancing customer satisfaction and profitability. By exploring individual beliefs and biases, participants can become more effective decision-makers and ethical leaders in the business world. 

90 mins

Communication Training

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
We need your assistance to tackle the lack of interpersonal skills among our youth. Our exciting and interactive program aims to boost their communication skills and prepare them for the workforce. By collaborating with your peers to accomplish a challenge, our youth will gain valuable experience in a practical setting. 

90 mins

Learning Objectives
The objectives of this event include enhancing team communication skills and avoiding potential pitfalls by establishing common ground and avoiding assumptions. By practising these skills, participants can improve their ability to work collaboratively in teams and achieve better results. The event aims to equip participants with effective communication skills that they can apply in various settings to enhance their teamwork and collaboration abilities. 

90 mins

Problem-Solving Training

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
The Problem-Solving Training programme assists young people in developing essential skills such as lateral thinking, teamwork and communication. The gamified session encourages creative and innovative approaches to problem-solving while fostering effective collaboration within teams. It's fun and engaging.

90 mins

Learning Objectives
The Problem Solving Training program aims to teach participants group interaction, problem-solving, planning, collaboration, listening, and critical thinking skills. It emphasizes thinking before acting and considering different perspectives. The program equips young people with essential skills for success. 

90 mins

Decision Making Training

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Decision Making Training assists young people in learning how to make sound decisions under pressure. Based on a real event, it simulates urgency through audio recordings and teaches participants how to stay calm and logical. Participants work in teams to find the best solution to a problem. It's a valuable experience for developing essential skills. 

60-80 mins

Leaning objectives
The Decision Making Training aims to teach participants to make tough decisions under pressure, while maintaining a logical approach, avoiding panic, considering all variables, and working as a team. It also prepares young people for assessment centres and equips them with valuable workplace skills. 

60-80 mins

Negotiation Training

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Help the youth acquire tangible negotiation skills by involving them in an interactive business negotiation challenge. This engaging challenge offers you and your colleagues a wonderful opportunity to impart crucial knowledge to the upcoming generation regarding the importance of preparing for negotiations, identifying mutually beneficial outcomes, and cultivating constructive professional connections. 

150 mins

Learning Objectives
The interactive negotiation challenge aims to teach young people valuable negotiation skills, including the need for preparation, target-setting, and time for discussion. It also stresses the dangers of a "win at all costs" mentality and the importance of compromise, knowing when to be open, and reading body language. 

150 mins

Project Planning Training

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
By engaging in an interactive business challenge, young individuals can learn and apply project planning and business concepts, such as resource allocation, cash flow, and cost control. Our program provides opportunities for young people to practice the skills required for future employment assessment centres and the workplace. 

60-120 mins

Learning Objectives
Project planning training aims to teach participants the importance of a critical path, efficient scheduling, contingency planning, labour and materials management, and cashflow management. Its objective is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to manage complex projects effectively. 

60-120 mins

Resilience Training

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Encourage young people to become resilient so that they can succeed even in the most trying circumstances. By collaborating with their peers, young individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of resilience. Our program covers the definition of resilience, the traits of resilient individuals, and practical measures to develop a more positive mindset that can better manage stress and adversity, regardless of its nature or form. 

60-90 mins

Leaning objectives
Resilience training aims to teach individuals the benefits of developing resilience, the attributes and coping strategies that make up resilience, and ways to assess and improve staff resilience. Its objective is to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to better manage stress and adversity and enhance their well-being and performance in the workplace. 

60-90 mins

Time Management Training

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Help young people to develop their time management skills through an interactive business challenge. Without an effective time management system, young people may experience feelings of overwhelm, miss deadlines, struggle to adapt quickly, and face difficulties in securing and succeeding in employment. Our brief and impactful activity, in collaboration with your colleagues, aims to impart valuable insights into time management techniques that can benefit participants.

90 mins

Learning Objectives
The objective of time management training is to equip participants with effective strategies for managing their time, workload, and priorities. Participants will learn how to prioritize tasks, delegate appropriately, decline requests when necessary, conduct productive face-to-face meetings, delegate back when needed, and avoid overloading their schedules. The ultimate goal of the training is to improve participants' time management skills, reduce their stress levels, and help them achieve a better work-life balance. 

90 mins

Conflict Management Training

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Conflict Management Training is an engaging and interactive introduction to the topic. Participants will learn how (and how not!) to handle conflict at work. Help our young people gain skills and knowledge about managing conflict in professional environments with this activity.  

60-80 mins

Learning Objectives
The Conflict Management Training aims to explore key points for handling conflict situations, understand the importance of early detection of conflict signs, consider the potential damage of conflicts on morale and productivity, differentiate between positive and negative conflict, and learn basic DOs and DON'Ts in conflict management. The training program's objectives are designed to equip participants with essential conflict resolution skills, enabling them to address conflicts effectively and prevent them from escalating. 

60-80 mins

Immersive Leadership Training

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Help develop our young people’s leadership and teamwork skills through a challenging activity. Ideal for observing teams and how they interact under pressure as well as identifying those individuals who show leadership potential. Ultimately this activity leads to a useful discussion about what makes a good leader, what leadership is all about and how participants can demonstrate leadership skills in their career journey. 

90 mins

Leaning objectives
Participants will be trained in identifying 10 trigger points where leadership is required, demonstrating that the leader role can be fulfilled by different team members, recognizing basic leadership traits, understanding the benefits of a well-organized and well-led team, highlighting the diverse leadership styles that can be effective, emphasizing the significance of whole-team collaboration, and demonstrating the importance of the team supporting the leader. Overall, this training program will provide participants with the essential knowledge and skills necessary to become effective leaders and cultivate successful teams.

90 mins

Leadership Skills Training

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Have you ever wanted to improve your team's leadership skills while also developing tomorrows future leaders? This activity does it in a fun, interactive way that helps everyone by introducing them to the idea of leadership, leadership traits and situational leadership, enabling them to maximise their potential as future leaders and better prepare them for the workplace. 

60 mins

Learning Objectives
The goal of the Introduction to Leadership Training is to identify typical leadership skills and attributes, recognize various leadership styles, understand the importance of situational leadership, and determine what makes a good leader. By achieving these objectives, participants can build a strong foundation for effective leadership in various situations. 

60 mins

Change Management Training

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
This training helps young people in developing skills to manage change and perceive it as a beneficial force by engaging them in a situational business challenge. In today's rapidly evolving job market, young professionals must adapt to change to succeed in their careers. By participating in the situational business challenge, young people can acquire the essential skills needed to manage change effectively and perceive it positively. 

120 mins

Learning Objectives
This event's learning objectives include planning for change, effective change strategies, identifying potential problems, detailed forward planning, key levers, and the seven steps to successful organizational change. By achieving these objectives, participants can develop the necessary skills to manage change effectively and achieve successful outcomes. 

120 mins


Escape Room Challenge

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Join us for an exciting opportunity to assist our young individuals in honing their teamwork abilities and preparing for their upcoming job assessment centre. This interactive session is designed to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to stand out in their next job interview. 

90 mins

Leaning objectives
This fun and exciting training is designed to enhance teamwork skills by testing teams' ability to work under pressure, understand complex tasks, manage time, cooperate with others, and solve problems using lateral thinking. 

90 mins

The Pyramid Game

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Enjoyable and interactive session that assists young individuals in enhancing their teamwork, project management, and presentation abilities. The Pyramid Game is a straightforward evaluation of a team's capability to coordinate, oversee a project, and deliver a compelling argument. This game equips our upcoming leaders with time management and problem-solving skills that will be valuable for them in their professional careers after completing their education. 

90 mins

Learning Objectives
The Pyramid Challenge is meant to teach young people how to work as an efficient team and communicate well with other team members. They will also get valuable knowledge on how to have a structure to the team objective, consider various options and select objectively. After going through this training, participants will learn to manage the time effectively and gain insight into the impact of a good presentation. 

90 mins


Business Simulation

Package 1
Package 2
Package 3
An award-winning social enterprise
Through a dynamic business challenge, young people can gain a better understanding of how the business world works. By participating in an engaging and action-packed activity that utilizes an interactive simulation, they can learn through experience and develop valuable skills that can be applied in real-world situations. 

120 mins

Package 1
The goal is to test entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen, demonstrate business principles, and highlight the importance of customer knowledge. Participants will analyze business finance data, control costs, and gain insights into staff training, crisis management, and customer needs. By achieving these objectives, participants can develop a better understanding of the fundamental principles of running a successful business. 

120 mins

Package 2
This event emphasizes teamwork in action as teams work together to run a small business and encourages simple profit and loss analysis, forecasting, and planning. It also stresses the importance of a clear decision-making process, knowing your target market and the value of close analysis of figures to control costs. 

120 mins

Package 3
Participants will have the opportunity to develop basic business acumen skills, experience stock control, ordering and forecasting, analyse P&L, Balance Sheets and Operational Statements, make decisions in a financial context, and practice being part of a business management team. 

120 mins

Winning Strategies

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Help our young people develop business skills through a business case study challenge. Together with your co-workers, this interactive business challenge will allow our young people to learn about business concepts such as SWOT analysis, financial data and business strategy and apply it into WaveRiders. This training is providing them opportunities to practice skills they will need to showcase at future employment assessment centres and use in the workplace. 

90-150 mins

Learning Objectives

The objectives of this program are to equip participants with the skills to use financial data for organizational analysis, conduct SWOT analysis, work with facts, and think strategically about the market. Additionally, the program aims to foster teamwork among management and develop good presentation skills. By achieving these objectives, participants can make informed decisions, develop effective strategies, and present their findings and recommendations persuasively.

90-150 mins

Diversity & Inclusion Workshop

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Together with your co-workers, this interactive collaboration practice allows our youth to develop their evaluation, decision-making, communication and leadership skills. They will leave better prepared for the world of work and having practiced skills they would need to showcase at a job assessment centre.

120 mins

Learning Objectives
The objectives of this event focus on helping teams develop effective planning processes by asking the right questions and identifying key issues early on. Additionally, the program seeks to highlight the importance of accuracy and attention to detail in logistics, selecting the best personnel for the job, and evaluating different options. By achieving these objectives, participants can develop a thorough understanding of the planning process and improve their decision-making abilities to achieve optimal outcomes. 

120 mins


Social Skills Training

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Designed to bring out the value of collaboration in an organisation. How well do participants work as individual teams? Are they ready to join forces with other teams: 'one for all and all for one'? Will they focus on their own team's success or see the bigger picture? A fun exploration of values, levels of trust and attitudes, not least to their fellow teammates. Lots to discuss! 

90 mins

Leaning objectives
Collaborative Teamwork & Problem-solving Training teaches inter-team collaboration, problem-solving, communication, time management, seeing the bigger picture, and remote teamwork. These skills are essential for effective collaboration and overcoming complex challenges. 

90 mins

Wellbeing Activity

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Help our young people gain skills and knowledge about health and well-being! Have you ever wanted to improve your team's skills and well-being while also developing tomorrows future leaders? This interesting discussion activity does all of these things and more, and it does it in a fun, interactive way that helps everyone by introducing them to the idea of wellbeing. 

90 mins

Learning Objectives
This event seeks to enhance wellbeing by increasing awareness of the concept and exploring initiatives that can facilitate its attainment. Participants will gain an understanding of the benefits of being in a state of wellbeing and the multiple factors that can contribute to it. By identifying small changes that can produce significant effects on their overall wellbeing, attendees can acquire insights to help them make positive adjustments. 

90 mins

Emotional Intelligence Activity

Leaning objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Young people's satisfaction with their health, self-esteem, confidence, and sense of belonging to their community have declined in recent years. To address these negative emotions, this activity has been designed to help young people develop their understanding and ability to manage them. By participating in an engaging and interactive activity with their peers, young people can enhance their emotional intelligence skills and prepare them to enter the workforce with greater confidence and resilience. 

90 mins

Leaning objectives
This interactive activity aims to improve young people's emotional intelligence by exploring their own levels of EI, building a list of associated skills and attributes, and finding ways to improve it. Participants will gain a better understanding of the topic and learn how to make their performance at work and in life more rewarding. By focusing on the topic of emotional intelligence in a practical and interactive way, this event aims to help participants better understand themselves and their emotions, while providing them with strategies to develop and improve their EI. 

90 mins

Harness Interpersonal Skills

Learning Objectives
An award-winning social enterprise
Essential Teamwork Training helps young people in examining their conduct, abilities, and characteristics to improve their teamwork and leadership proficiencies. The exercise centers on seven crucial team roles that are fundamental elements for achieving excellent team performance.

90 mins

Learning Objectives
This event aims to improve the youth's teamwork and leadership skills by testing and practicing team skills, raising self-awareness about group behaviours and attitudes, emphasizing the importance of team roles, and using a questionnaire to identify preferred roles. 

90 mins

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Keen to boost your team’s skills and make a societal impact? Reach out, and we’ll tailor the perfect programme for you.